The Mavis/Taylor Trail

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The Varna Nature Trails: Taylor and Mavis

These two trails start at the municipal Varna Complex, 5 km east of Bayfield on the Mill Road.  Both trails offer relatively easy walking in beautiful woodland settings.

Taylor Trail
This easy, 1km trail has a surface of compacted gravel so that individuals of all abilities, including those in wheelchairs and strollers, can experience the peace of the woods. The gentle slopes and variety of landscapes will delight trail users of all ages.

Mavis Trail
Named after community activist Mavis Govier, this 2.5km looped trail offers a more challenging walk to the Bayfield River and back.  The walk begins through a quiet stand of pine.  After crossing a 65-foot bridge, the path passes through deciduous forest and along the boundaries of agricultural fields to a scenic view of the Bayfield River.